Growing an Antiracist Outdoor Industry

Education for action through training, coaching, and consulting

Stephany Subdiaz & Ella Hartley

Green Wood & Duff is a racial justice and equity training, consulting, and coaching practice focused on building antiracist community and culture across the outdoor industry.

What We Do

We transform organizational culture by challenging and supporting outdoor professionals at predominantly white institutions to identify and change patterns of implicit racism in their organizations. Put simply, we support people and organizations in their contribution towards a more just community.



  • Organization-wide
  • Tailored to activity, place, and seasonal rhythm
  • Tangible skill practice, shared language, strengthening relationships
  • Indefinite practice spaces after program intensive
  • Refreshers & trainings to maintain institutional knowledge



  • Support organizational leadership owning antiracist cultural shifts
  • Build accountability and repair practices
  • Track incidents of identity-based harm
  • Present to the Board
  • Coach administrators’ personal antiracism skills
  • Antiracism On-Call (AROC)



  • Guidance, tutoring, and processing related to antiracism
  • Emotional support & historical/cultural analysis
  • 1:1 personal coaching
  • Private small group work outside of organizational contexts
  • BIPOC and white antiracist affinity spaces

We are collectively many years past the initial unveilings and racial consciousness-building of 2020 and frankly, with love, we’ve all done the slide presentations by now… Therefore, while Green Wood & Duff will tailor our offerings to whatever is needed, we prioritize longer engagements with organizations that are seeking antiracist and inclusive culture change at all levels – from curriculum to the warehouse, from accountability practices to the Board retreat.

This moment calls for deeper work. We’re here to partner with you. Let’s begin.

Schedule a free introductory meeting – a vibe check –  to see if we can support your personal or organizational antiracism goals.

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We'll send you a few emails a year that include what we're working on, new learnings, resources, and other updates.