White Antiracist Affinity

Support & accountability for white antiracism practitioners

Just white people? Sounds suspicious.

Fair enough. But there are good reasons for it.

Antiracist white affinity spaces exist to recognize, engage with, and dismantle our internalized racism. It is our responsibility as white people to build authentic, loving, accountable community to support our racial identity development and healing. These efforts are part of a network of small communities and individuals around the world trying to build something new: white antiracist culture that is not based on superiority, fear, and disconnection.

Our aim is to heal our internalized racism for our own wellbeing, and in order to be present with and accountable to the needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in our work, life, and civic communities.


The values that guide this space are the same that guide Steph’s and my work as a team at Green Wood & Duff.

Antiracism affinity practice requires a balance of head and heart, finding that middle path between numbing out through over-intellectualization and paralyzing floods of emotion. Learning and unlearning, grief and joy, taking care of ourselves and each other, trying and failing in real time, living with accountability and holding compassionate spaces to do our deep dark work… if this sounds scary, overwhelming, or kind of weird that’s because it is. White culture that is not based on racial dominance, fear, and disconnection is new. So we’ll move at a sustainable pace. Because race is one of many intertwining identities, we’ll focus our work on racism explicitly but not exclusively.

What does white affinity work look like?

Affinity spaces for antiracism can be 1:1 coaching or small groups of willing white people. We can flex it to fit a wide breadth of interests and circumstances, including:

  • history lessons
  • understanding intersectional identities
  • learning how racism impacts different arenas (medicine, education, environmentalism, conflict, land access, etc.)
  • emotional processing
  • addressing specific incidents
  • building skills such as interrupting racism in the moment, talking to family, sustainable local activism
  • analyzing current events and media content with an antiracist lens
  • asking all those questions you’ve been afraid to ask
  • reading and processing that stack of books about racism you bought in 2020 that have become interior decorating rather than resources

I work with adults and teens, in the outdoor industry and beyond. While my one-on-one work is geared towards other white people, if you identify as Black, Indigenous, a person of color, or a body of culture and feel drawn to what I’m offering, let’s connect.

On a personal note

If we do our work together well, you will understand your skin in the game and how your liberation is tied to the liberation of all. You will feel grief and heartbreak and anger, but you will also feel less shame and fear and confusion. Your healing will reverberate for generations. You will become a catalyst for change in your communities and wield your power in your own spheres of influence with intention and integrity. You’ll find your center and sense of self; you’ll find deeper joy and authenticity with a merry band of pirates who inspire you.

If you want to learn more about the basis for white antiracist affinity work, check out the first ten pages of my Harvard Divinity School MDiv graduate thesis:  “Healing the Hidden Wound: The Role of White Affinity Groups in Racial Justice.”


Schedule a vibe check and we’ll go from there.

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